Wey Of Life Peer Recovery Center

Location: 383 Bridge St; Weymouth, MA 02191
Entrance: Please use the front door on 3A. The Wey of Life Peer Recovery Center is the door on right in foyer. (Foyer is shared with South Shore Bank Branch). Parking is available in rear of building.
Follow us on Facebook: Facebook: Wey of Life PRC
Phone number: 781-812-1392
Drop-in hours for peer support/resources/community engagement:
Monday – Thursday 9:30am – 5:30pm
Saturdays 10am-2pm
Extended Hours:
Mondays 9:30am-8:30pm * Note: Evening Hours are for scheduled group participants
Tuesday 9:30am-8:30pm * Note: Evening Hours are for scheduled group participants
Wednesday 9:30am-8:30pm * Note: Evening Hours are for scheduled group participants
Thursdays 9:30am – 8:30pm * Note: Evening Hours are for scheduled group participants
Saturdays 9:30am-2pm
Interested in Meeting with a Peer Recovery Support Specialist?
Click here to sign up for Individual Recovery Support Services
Sign Up For Wey of Life PRC Newsletter:
Click here to sign up for Wey of Life PRC Newsletter
Get Involved
Become A Member
We NEED YOU! The heart of the Recovery Center is our members. Membership at Wey of Life Peer Recovery Center is inclusive. Anyone with lived experience as an individual in recovery, family member, or ally. It is FREE. We are a peer led, peer driven community that uses the peer participatory model (peer voice and choice) to make decisions for the Center.
As Members:
You will have a voice in the programming and policies of our Recovery Center.
You will be invited to participate in Member appreciation events.
You will receive a call from a community member to check in if we have not seen you for some time.
You may participate in hands on opportunities to make the center your own through facilitation, chairing committees and participating in SSPR strategic decision making.
You will have access to opportunities for hands-on training and workshops.
Whether you can help our 1-2 hours a week, 1-2 hours a day, or support as available, there is always ways to help. No experience required.
General Center Support:
Be a welcoming and supportive presence at the Wey of Life Peer Recovery Center. You can help in a variety of ways – answering the phone, providing information and general support to walk-ins, creating a community environment, organizing, and helping to keep our Center clean.
*Please note: General Center support is about providing a safe space for volunteers and an opportunity to give back. There will not always be projects to work on and the role is intended to provide peers with a safe space to be, work independently in quiet time, and provide community interaction for those walking in.
General Center Support – Cooking – Outreach – Facilitating/Starting a group or activity – Participating on Peer Committees – Event Planning & Support – Special Projects